We're Still Looking for Volunteers!
HUGE THANKS to all of you lovely people who have already signed up to volunteer at this year's festival. The event is a mammoth undertaking (and growing bigger every year) and we really, truly, honestly COULD NOT DO IT without our amazing volunteers. Unbound does not have a single paid member of staff - everyone volunteers their time, and it really is a labor of love.
However, we do still have a significant number of slots and rosters that we need to fill - so please, if you haven't yet signed up but are planning to do so, would you fill in the online application form? And if you know of anyone else who you think might enjoy the experience, please forward the link to them and invite them to join our merry tribe. The more, as they say, the merrier. Susan, our Empress of Volunteers, is already cracking her knuckles in anticipation of long nights spent slaving over the volunteer schedules, and is anxious to begin.