CoMo Young Writers

Saturday, April 23, Orr Street Studios: 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

In addition to the award-winning and best-selling authors and poets who come to Unbound each year, we also like to celebrate writers at the start of their creative journeys. This year we are very pleased to present a very special event at Orr Street Studios which features a collective reading by local students who have been meeting since January in preparation for their appearance at the festival.

There is so much astonishing young writing talent in this town, it’s ridiculous. If the preview we saw at the festival’s first “Cups and Couplets” event last Fall is any indication, you’re going to be moved, delighted, and entertained! 

Through creative writing, CoMo Young Writers helps young people from all backgrounds to understand the importance of their own stories and those of others, so that they can pursue the path they choose and inspire one another to become lifelong writers. Under the guidance of Hickman High School teacher Nancy White, 13 teen writers have been writing three-minute individual and team poems to be performed at this event.


The Food of Love - Festival Kick Off!


Got Something to Say? Come to our Zine workshop!