Friday afternoon poetry!

If you can’t wait for next weekend’s literary festivities to start, we have some good news for you.

On April 22 - that’s this Friday afternoon - between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m., just ahead of the festival’s keynote event at the Missouri Theatre, you can catch a - what is the collective noun for poets? an exclamation of poets? an anthology of poets? - anyway, lots of extremely fine poets who will be reading from their work at Fretboard Coffee in the North Village.

This event, Poetry Abound, has rapidly become an unmissable part of the Unbound experience. It’s free to attend, and no registration is required. Just show up, grab a cup of excellent coffee, and enjoy the poetry.

The poets who will be reading at this event include:

José A. Alcántara

Taylor Estraca

Gabriel Fried

Kimberly Grey

Esra Jackson

Boris Khersonsky (translated and read by Martha Kelly)

Our thanks, of course, to the always magnificent Fretboard Coffee for hosting us!


Hadara Bar-Nadav!


The Food of Love - Festival Kick Off!