Writers! Have You Heard about the Write On! Workshop?

While Unbound is designed primarily for readers, every year we’ve put on events for writers (or people who would like to write.) These have always been very popular and so this year we have decided to expand the idea and to create a mini-festival on the day following Unbound - that’s Sunday, April 24, for those keeping score.

So, ladies and gents, we’re very proud to announce the inaugural Write On! workshop. It’s a day full of entertaining and informative events and workshops designed to help writers of all stripes hone their craft and achieve their writing goals.

The day begins with a keynote presentation about social media for authors by Sarah DiVello, and ends with a free-for-all Q & A session moderated by festival director Alex George and featuring experienced authors who will be ready and willing to dispense with advice and share their experiences. In between we have six different workshops (of which participants have to choose two.)

It’s going to be a fun and inspiring day and, of course, an opportunity to meet other local writers!

For more details about the schedule and to register, go here.


We Need Drivers!


Jerry Craft is our second Kids’ Keynote!